The Principles of Successful Centers Part 3

By: James C. Auld • AIA • CDP THE THIRD IN A THREE-PART SERIES Community-oriented, pedestrian-friendly destinations offering retail and entertainment amenities, lifestyle centers are designed to evolve and retain their vibrancy over time. For that reason, there is no one solution for the variety of lifestyle, open-air and mixed-use developments. Instead we refer to […]

The Principles of Successful Centers Part 2

By: James C. Auld • AIA • CDP THE SECOND IN A THREE-PART SERIES Lifestyle centers have emerged as a popular alternative to the traditional shopping mall—community-oriented, pedestrian-friendly destinations offering both retail and entertainment amenities, they are designed to evolve and retain their vibrancy over time. There is no one template for the variety of […]

Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, Reconstruction?

At STIR Architecture, we focus on creating rich, resonant, rewarding places for living, working and playing. Whether we are working in a storied European capital or in Downtown Los Angeles, one of the most powerful resources we, as architects, have are the historic resources of the city. Helping property owners discover the best way to […]